Wednesday, February 26, 2014


This blog has been a dream of mine for a while - the concept of blogging is new to me; while I'm familiar with other's blogs I've never successfully managed one of my own.  This is going to be an exciting journey for us all! 

For those of you that know me, aside from being mommy to Eliana and Donovan, you probably know that I'm an avid runner, fitness enthusiast, and all around health nut.  I love all things health and wellness!  Many of you have asked me what I do, asked for running advice, and how I manage it all.  We're all busy - as a mom, student, and volunteer, I know how daunting all of that can be.  Not to mention the nearly daily workouts, preparing healthy meals for my family, and simply staying active with the kids.  Life can get pretty chaotic around here sometimes!  I get it! 

I've wanted to find a way to share my little secrets with all of you and I couldn't think of any better way.  I'll be posting workout tips, recipes, even sharing the highs and lows of my super fun, sometimes messy, but always beautiful life!

I hope you enjoy my blog - if there's ever a topic you want me to write about just let me know!  I hope you can all find inspiration on these pages to incorporate healthy habits into your lives.

Until next time...

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